CAG2007 Prev---1--- Next

Mr. Mike Mueller with our symbol

Mike is a director of the CAG. He really supported me well. He made to arrangement that I meet Drew and we travel together. Needless to say, we, three enjoyed Autoharp at the small eve. We cannot wait the gathering ! I enjoyed the eve and the drive with Drew very much. (it is an amazing) May 18th, the Friday morning; The Registration is started. A man said me, " Oh, Taeko ! I am Ma%#(%^&(__+(&$&^&**( "......... me, " ...o o o, oink? ". Just moment, thunder touched me. " Oh, you are Marc ! ". The thunder change to our bigger exclamation. "Nice to meet you, Marc ! " He run around the place having his camera and videos with his smile. I enjoyed he and his smile and gesture and song. Really it encouraged me. And I heard a lady. She told me that she saw me at the mimi's restaurant last night. I did not know. (it is an amazing)
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